Financial & Estate Planning
7:00 p.m.19:00

Financial & Estate Planning

Financial & Estate Planning Talk by Lindsay Charland

Your Life, Your Legacy

What legacy will you leave?

The event is a financial presentation/event that focuses on faith filled stewardship, holistic financial planning & estate planning. We invite you to join us for this important event!

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Ash Wednesday
9:00 a.m.09:00

Ash Wednesday

  • 415 Piccadilly Avenue North Ottawa, ON, K1Y Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ash Wednesday Mass Times:

9:00 AM at St. George’s

(9:30 AM: Distribution of Ashes at St George School)

10:30 AM at St. Albertus

7:00 PM at Queen of the Most Holy Rosary

7:00 PM at St. George’s

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Advent Music Celebration
2:30 p.m.14:30

Advent Music Celebration

  • St. George's Parish Ottawa, ON (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Advent Classical Music Celebration

Isabelle Utovac, contralto and Naeche Achodor, organist

Monday December 9 at 2:30pm

St. George Church

415 Piccadilly Avenue North

(Island Park Drive and Wellington Street West in Wellington West Village/Westboro)

Wheelchair accessible

Come and immerse yourself in sacred and religious music for solo voice and organ from the

Middle Ages to the present. Prepare yourself for the season with music from Hildegard von

Bingen, Vivaldi, Bach, Handel, Mozart, Saint-Saëns, and more, in different languages.

A free-will donation is welcome.

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