Stations of the Cross & Mass during Lent
Stations of the Cross
Every Friday during lent at 7:00pm followed by Mass @7:30pm
Let us live the paschal mystery this lent!

Stations of the Cross & Mass during Lent
Stations of the Cross
Every Friday during lent at 7:00pm followed by Mass @7:30pm
Let us live the paschal mystery this lent!

Confession Day
We invite you to go to confession. There are lots of available time options!

Financial & Estate Planning
Financial & Estate Planning Talk by Lindsay Charland
Your Life, Your Legacy
What legacy will you leave?
The event is a financial presentation/event that focuses on faith filled stewardship, holistic financial planning & estate planning. We invite you to join us for this important event!

Jubilee Pilgrimage
Pilgrimage is an experience of conversion, of transforming one's very being to conform it to the holiness of God.

Stations of the Cross & Mass during Lent
Stations of the Cross
Every Friday during lent at 7:00pm followed by Mass @7:30pm
Let us live the paschal mystery this lent!

K-of-C St. Patrick's Day Celebration
The Knights will be hosting a dinner with Irish Stew and entertainment in the St. George Parish Hall!
Come Join!

Stations of the Cross during Lent
Stations of the Cross
Every Friday during lent at 7:00pm starting March. 14th.
Followed by a talk by Fr. Francis. Let us live the paschal mystery this lent!
On the following Fridays, Stations of the Cross will be at 7pm, followed by Mass at 7:30pm.

CCO Summit
CCO Summit - A night of prayer and encounter with Jesus!
During Summit there will be a talk, time for prayer, and confession during adoration. A night to truly be open to Jesus' presence!

Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday Mass Times:
9:00 AM at St. George’s
(9:30 AM: Distribution of Ashes at St George School)
10:30 AM at St. Albertus
7:00 PM at Queen of the Most Holy Rosary
7:00 PM at St. George’s

Walking Together Synodally
Walking Together Synodally : The Pastoral Conversion of the Parish Community - talk by Fr Pudumai Doss

Living Faith Together
Living Faith Together: The Parish as a Community of Faithful entrusted to a Pastor - talk by Fr Pudumai Doss

K-of-C Trivia Night/Chili Dinn
Chili Dinner and Trivia Night - Cash Bar, Prizes, 50/50
hosted by the Knights of Columbus at the StG Parish Hall
$20.00 per person. Doors open at 5:30 pm.

Evening of Worship & Adoration
7:00- 8:30 PM Come to St. George’s to join us in preparing our hearts for the coming of the Lord of heaven and earth! There will be a talk by Fr. Francis Ndey, followed by an opportunity to worship in adoration along with confession.

Prayer: A Journey of Hope - Advent Retreat
Prayer: A Journey of Hope - a retreat in Advent
The retreat will include a series of talks with prayer, community and attendance of Vigil Mass at St. George’s at 5pm with dinner and adoration after mass. See more details below!

Advent Music Celebration
Advent Classical Music Celebration
Isabelle Utovac, contralto and Naeche Achodor, organist
Monday December 9 at 2:30pm
St. George Church
415 Piccadilly Avenue North
(Island Park Drive and Wellington Street West in Wellington West Village/Westboro)
Wheelchair accessible
Come and immerse yourself in sacred and religious music for solo voice and organ from the
Middle Ages to the present. Prepare yourself for the season with music from Hildegard von
Bingen, Vivaldi, Bach, Handel, Mozart, Saint-Saëns, and more, in different languages.
A free-will donation is welcome.

Lunch with St. Nicholas
Join us for our annual Lunch with St Nick hosted by the Knights.

Renewed in Liturgy Series
The Order of Precedence Regarding the Choice of Mass, with Rev. Fr. Daniel Van Delst

Oktoberfest at St George’s, hosted by the Knights of Columbus
Limited ticket sales at the Door

Church History: From Pentecost to Today
Church History : "From Pentecost to Today",
part one: The Apostolic Age to the Middle Ages
with Deacon Dr. Andrew Bennett

100th Anniversary Mass with Cardinal G.L. Müller
His Eminence Cardinal G.L. Müller will be the principal celebrant and preacher at the solemn Mass for the anniversary of the dedication of St George's Church.

The Question of God Today - with Cardinal G.L. Müller
For the 100th Anniversary of the blessing of St George’s Church, Cardinal G.L. Müller will give a talk on "The Question of God today", followed by a question and answer session.
Welcome Back Sunday
Welcome Back Sunday
Join us this Sunday as we gather after the summer break, to connect over coffee after mass, kindly hosted by the Knights of Columbus.

St. George's AGM
StG Parish will hold its Annual General Meeting online on Monday, 17 June 2024, at 19:00.
Check your Flocknote messages for the Zoom Link!