Request an Announced Mass
Mass stipends are a donation given to a priest for offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for a particular intention, for example, for a deceased person, for a special intention or in thanksgiving.
Mass Intentions can be requested at St George's (and at St. Albertus) using our MassIntentionsOnline platform. Click on the Mass Intentions button below, find an available date, and fill out the online form, including the payment section. St George's parish office will be in touch to confirm your request. Payment will only be made once the request has been confirmed.
Baptism Certificate Fee
At times it will be necessary to get a copy of your baptismal certificate in connection with a school application or a marriage.
A hard copy of your baptismal certificate will be prepared for you upon request.
Sacramental Preparation Fee
(First Reconciliation/First Communion and Confirmation)
There is a small fee that goes towards the cost of equipping the family and the parish to carry out the preparation of First Reconciliation/First Communion and Confirmation. The fee is the same for First Reconciliation/First Communion and Confirmation. Your receipt will be available on Canada Helps.
For further information visit our Joining the Family of God page.
Parking fee
St George's Parish currently has No parking spots which are available to rent. Only vehicles with a permit may park on site. Payment is only for current permit holders.
If you have any questions please contact the Manager.
Please make a contribution to your church community and parish. Financial contributions help with parish projects, renovations and events. Each of us has something to offer up to God to keep His home in order.