The word Sacristan comes from the Latin word, ‘sacer’, meaning sacred. This sacred and essential parish ministry is most often work performed behind the scenes but very visible if not performed with diligence and accuracy.
In order for the members of the faithful at St. George’s to take their full, conscious and active part in the liturgy, sacristans need to gather the items necessary for Mass and place them in accessible areas for the celebration. Also, sacristans need to ensure that these items will be available for future celebrations of the Eucharist, which is the source and summit of our lives as Christians.
For more information on weekday Masses please contact Cheryl Clingaman at 613 728-5687.
For more information on weekend Masses please contact Dan Lunney at 613-729-1967.
Participation in the Mass through service during the Mass brings us closer to the Table of the Lord. Sacristans serve the “servants of the Lord” by setting up the church, the sanctuary, and the altar before every Mass.
Heavenly Father, please pour your blessings on my ministry today. It is an honor and privilege to serve the Lord at his table. Please guide my hands and my steps that I may fulfill my duties with grace and devotion. I ask this in the name of Jesus whom I serve with Joy. Amen.