Regular Confession times:
Friday and Saturday
9:30-10:30 AM
Going to Confession
It takes courage to walk into a confessional. Christ will give you the strength you need to face your sins and is waiting with open arms to meet you in the confessional.
Going to Confession strengthens your relationship with Christ and with the Church. Why not try making monthly Confession part of living your faith. At a minimum, Catholics are expected to go to Confession once a year.
Preparing for Confession
For practical steps and suggestions, you can download one of our Confession guidebooks (see links below, paper copies are available for pickup at St George’s Church).
We offer the following six guides:
How to go to Confession: A Guide for Juniors
Confession for Teens: A Guide for Young People of Secondary School Age
Cast Your Cares Upon the Lord: The Sacrament of Reconciliation and Single People
The Two Shall Become One: Confession for Married People
Celebration Reconciliation: Resource for Going to Confession
The Sacrament of Confession: A Guide for Adults
There are guides suited to each age and/or situation in life. All guides contain a model examination of conscience; some offer additional information about how to prepare for Confession, what to say in the confessional and what to do after Confession. These guides will get you ready to feel the power of Christ’s love and mercy.
“The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a Sacrament of healing. When I go to Confession, it is in order to be healed, to heal my soul, to heal my heart and to be healed of some wrongdoing.”