The Sacrament of Baptism for infants

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Baptism is the door to all the other Sacraments. Through Baptism, a person is made a son or daughter of God, a brother or sister of the Lord Jesus Christ, a Temple of the Holy Spirit, a member of the Communion of Saints and integrated into the Church. People who are baptized can then receive all the other sacraments in due course.

We are thrilled you are looking into having a baptism for your child here. Below are the simple steps you can take to make that a reality. Please note that infant baptism is only possible if the child is 4 years old and younger.

Baptism for Infants at St. George’s Parish

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Step 1: Register for Baptism at St. George’s Parish

Time to start the journey towards Baptism!

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Step 2: Contact and Next Steps

We will reach out to you and clarify any issues in your application. We will also introduce you to the third step in Baptismal Preparation - Belonging.

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Step 3: Complete Belonging - Baptism in the Family of God

Belonging: Baptism in the Family of God is designed to provide parents with an incredible encounter with Jesus and with the Church. Parents will learn what it means to be children of God and that in the Church, they will always have a place where they belong.

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Step 4: Meeting with Celebrant

Once you have sent us the completed certificate for Belonging, the celebrant will contact you and schedule the date and time when the Baptism can be celebrated. Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd Saturday of the month during the 9:00 am mass or 4th Saturday at 1:00 pm outside mass (Liturgy of the Word)

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Step 5: Celebration of Baptism

Welcome to God’s family. ❤️


Related Forms



  1. Print the form (Duplex if possible) and complete the form by printing legibly in ink OR

  2. Using the Adobe Reader program “Fill & Sign” function click on the “add text” button. Then select each place where you wish to enter the text, click and type and repeat at the next place. The downloaded document can be saved and completed later. Print the form (Duplex if possible) and sign the form.

A family reception in our parish hall following the celebration of the sacrament can be arranged through the Parish Manager.